(there will also be a way to back out of a lesson that resets it). Touchfuzzy's for instance is the Save sound effect.Īll lessons must be completely finished before another is started. messages are always preempted by an alert sound that is specific to the teacher. (explained below) are message, window, top, EXCEPT during event scans where it would get in the way. Messages that aren't people talking, such as just describing the scene (She is painting) are message, window, middle. In person communication is always message, window, bottom. Here is what you need to know to make a lesson. This is the big one, and also the most time consuming to explain. You can discuss submitted characters here. If you want to have yourself as a character in the game, you'll just need to submit a character in this thread! Characters will be added as the school expands. This here will also lead to prizes! (and of course, you retain whatever rights to your music as you want, as long as we can use it in the school!) What we'd really like is a couple of unique songs for the project! If you're a composer, we're mainly looking for a title theme, and a default theme for wandering the school. Right now the base project is with no music except a generic title theme. I tend to leave it for last cause it isn't my strong suit.

To submit a title screen, post it in this thread with the first line as "Title Screen Submission" in bold, so I'm sure to see it! The winner will receive a prize! (prize pending until I've talked to I'll admit I got so into making the project that I forgot about this stuff) There are several things that need doing! We'll start with the things that still need to be done to make it a complete project, and then move down!Īre you an artist? Can you make a cool spiffy title screen for our project? Then jump on board.